Common Law and Civil Law Traditions – Precedents & Stare Decisis (2)


Session: Sources of Canadian Law

Topic: Common Law and Civil Law Traditions

Sub Topic – Precedents and Stare Decisis (2)

Recommended time: 70 Minutes

Score: 38 Marks

Author: Manuel Akinshola


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This is another question on precedents and stare decisis. It is different from the first one which is also fact-based. This question requires you to provide an opinion on contemporary judicial disposition towards precedents and stare decisis.

Your answer will require you to make sufficient and abundant references to authorities as well as the opinions of writers and jurists. This is the only way to answer this type of question and earn sufficient marks.

In our sample answer, please take note of the way we have made good and wide use of the required articles in the current syllabus to support our answer. This is vital too.

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