Terms & Conditions
The Terms and Conditions (T&C) appearing hereunder represent the general agreement between us and the users.
“We”, “Our”, “Us”, “The Company”, “iNTRACI” refers to International Lawyers Transfer to Canada Initiative, its agents, employees or any of its affiliates.
“NCA” means the National Committee on Accreditation.
“Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software” include Books, Notes, Summaries, Charts, Pamphlets, Handbooks, Handbills, Manuals, Audio, Text, Sample Questions And Answers, Practice Exams, Advice And Consultations, Guides, Explanations, Diagrams, Images, Animations, Programs, Software And all other contents that a user receives or to which a user has access, regardless of medium or format, including all their features, attributes and services.
ALL our products are in PDF or digital formats.
When you purchase, subscribe, enrol in and/or use any of our products and services offered at iNTRACI, including your access to www.intraci.com, please be guided that your interactions with us are subject to the terms and conditions contained herein.
In addition, if you purchase, subscribe to, enrol in and/or use any of our products and services for the use of another person, these T&C will govern both you and that other person(s) who use any product and service you purchase or subscribe to (all collectively referred to as “You”). In this regard you agree to be bound by these T&C, which is an agreement between iNTRACI and you.
You agree to make full payment for any of our products and services in the amount(s) listed in your shopping cart, or in the order confirmation email you will receive, or as otherwise communicated to you by iNTRACI or any of our representatives during your subscription for the product or service.
Please note that you must make full payment or as agreed with Us prior to receiving any of our products or subscribing for any of our services.
Payment in installments may only be made if it has been previously agreed to by Us and confirmed in writing.
ALL PAYMENTS FOR OUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MUST BE MADE ONLY ON OUR WEBSITE OR IN ACCORDANCE with the other payment methods stipulated at https://intraci.com/payment-page/. Please be informed that iNTRACI has not appointed, employed, delegated or nominated any other individual persons, body or firm to accept any payment on our behalf. Any payment made not in accordance with the stipulated payment methods is at the payor’s risk.
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL OUR NOTES ARE IN DOWNLOADABLE PDF FORMATS ONLY. So, we do not ship printed materials or hard copies of any kind.
Users are notified that our Notes are prepared in accordance with available syllabi, study materials or other requirements.
We at iNTRACI will always endeavour to update our Notes and other Study Materials in line with the necessary syllabi or requirements.
Notwithstanding our determination to ensure that all our Notes and other Study Materials are correct as at the date of publication, iNTRACI does not make any warranty of correctness of the contents of our Notes and/or other Study Materials and shall not be liable for any error therein or for any material not updated.
Users purchase our Notes and other Study Materials on the condition that they are correct at the time of publication.
While adequate measures are put in place to ensure that our answers to sample questions are substantially correct, iNTRACI does not make any warranty that they are absolutely correct, or would be so marked as correct by NCA or other examining bodies should same or similar questions or answers be presented.
The answers to the sample questions are in accordance with our opinions, and are provided for training and teaching purposes only.
iNTRACI does not give any guarantee of pass to any user were the same questions to be set in any NCA exams.
Users should also note that the answers to these sample questions were provided in a non-exam setting, hence the circumstances as to time, pressure, invigilation and monitoring did not apply.
Very importantly, users should note that the sample Questions on our website or on offer are not the same as the sample Questions on NCA website. they are NOT current/past questions from present/previous NCA exams. NCA has not allowed or approved the use of their sample or exam questions, so as to preserve the intergity of their examination. So, the sample Q&As on our website are prepared from our own academic researches and efforts.
While every effort is made to ensure that our sample Q&As meet with the standards available in Canadian Law Schools, we do not give any warranty, express or implied, that NCA or any examining body will set their exam questions in the same format, structure or outline as our sample Questions.
The questions in our sample Bar Practice Exams are compiled/composed from our own solo efforts, without recourse to any law society’s bar exam questions, past or present.
Since many law societies do not approve the use of their exam materials, our Bar Practice Exams do not contain any past, current or future questions from any present or previous bar licensing exams. Our practice questions are prepared without incorporating directly or indirectly, any exam question from the Law Society of Ontario or any other law society where licensing exams are part of their bar admission processes. Therefore, our questions are prepared without any input whatsoever from any member of staff of the law societies, their agents, employees or affiliates.
While adequate care is put into preparing our Bar exams practice exams, we do not make any warranty that any of the answers to any of our practice questions is absolutely correct or would be so marked as correct by the law society licensing body concerned..
iNTRACI does not give any guarantee of pass to any user were the same questions to be set in any Bar licensing exams, even if the user passed the practice question on our website.
When you purchase any of our products or subscribe to any of our services, we do not make you any general or specific promise or representation of any particular outcome, score or passage of any exam or any other such outcome.
iNTRACI does not guarantee you the acceptance of any document or credential by the NCA or any law society for the purpose of assessment or licensing, irrespective of our opinion or advise on such documents or credentials.
iNTRACI does not make any representation or warranty to any user or subscriber to our tutorial service of any score or passage of any exam or any other such outcome.
In respect of assessment of credentials, iNTRACI does not make any representation or guarantee as to the number or quantum of examinations, heads, courses or pathway that will be prescribed by the NCA. This is irrespective of our opinion or advice on such matters.
In respect of consultation or advisory services, iNTRACI does not make any warranty, assurance or representation that if our advice is followed, it will result in any particular outcome with the NCA or any law society one way or the other. The consultancy services are offered on the basis of good faith only.
We at iNTRACI hereby EXPRESSLY DECLARE that we do not have any foreknowledge, forecast, input, idea or contribution towards the process, preparation, composition, compilation or presentation of any assessment by the NCA or of any bar admission exam/program by any law society licensing body, or toward the grading of any examination set by the NCA or a law society licensing body. Any representation, express or implied, by any employee or agent of iNTRACI in this regard is absolutely forbidden. And if any is given. it is null and void an initio. It does not represent the official position of iNTRACI management. Whosoever relies on such representations does so at his/her own risk.
We do not ship our products since they are all in soft or digital copies.
In extremely rare cases where any of our products is to be shipped to you, standard shipping and handling charges will apply.
Rates will be determined by the location or courier services.
Users shall be liable to pay these shipping and handling charges.
At the moment all our tutoring sessions are delivered via physical or audio means.At times, these tutoring service are offered in partnership with third parties.
Fees paid for any tutoring sessions are non-refundable after the first session has commenced.
If a User misses a scheduled session, the hours for that missed session will be forfeited.
If the failure is due to any default on the part of iNTRACI, we shall make efforts to reschedule that session. But if a mutually convenient rescheduled appointment cannot be reached, then a refund may be offered.
Tutorial services and locations of tutorial services are subject to change and/or cancellation.
At iNTRACI, we will notify you of any changes or cancellations.
If, in the event of a change or cancellation, an alternative product or service does not meet the user’s needs, iNTRACI will provide a full refund.
At iNTRACI, we frequently update, revise and modify our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including their features and attributes in line with any update in the applicable syllabus or requirement.
INTRACI thus reserves the right to make changes to any Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, at any time, without prior notice or information, to make them compliant with the applicable syllabus.
It is the responsibility of all users to ensure that they obtain the most recently updated Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, from the Company.
No refund, exchange or replacement shall be made on the basis that a Note, Study Material, Product, Program, Services and Software was amended or updated to comply with an applicable syllabus or requirement.
All updated materials are offered for sale afresh, and all users will have to purchase any updated materials again in the event that a syllabus was updated after the initial purchase of Study Material.
iNTRACI shall be under NO OBLIGATIONS to offer users a free replacement, exchange or upgrade of the updated material in part or in whole.
NTRACI shall be no under obligation to make a refund or exchange in part or in whole for any Study Material purchased from us.
Users are reminded that all our Study Materials are offered in soft copies or downloadable form.
Therefore, Refunds ARE NOT AVAILABLE HOWSOEVER for any of our products or Study Material once same has been downloaded or accessed by the User. In this sense, “download” is complete once payment is made and the Study Material become available in the user’s account, whether the User claims to have accessed the material or not.
In the case of Bar Practice Exams, Refunds are NOT available for any subscription once same has been made available to the Users in their portal , whether or not accessed by the User. In this sense, a practice exam is made available once the subscription is complete and the practice exams BECOMES AVAILABLE FOR USE on the User’s portal, whether the User claims to have accessed the material or not.
Refunds will not be offered once any service has been commenced, whether completed or not, in so far as the non-completion is not as a result of default from iNTRACI.
Refunds may, however, apply in cases of force majeure or act of God or in the case of failure or default on the part of iNTRACI to offer the services. In this case, full refund of the actual purchase price only and nothing more shall made to the User. iNTRACI shall not be liable for any taxes, service charge, bank charges, shipping and handling charges or processing fees associated with any such purchases or refunds.
In most cases, and to prevent abuses, refunds shall only be made to the same account or payment gateway from which the purchase was made.
Please note that refunds are available only for products and services purchased directly from iNTRACI and are not available for purchases made from associates, resellers or other third party intermediaries.
As you may be aware, NCA or any Law Society or exam provider may without prior notice update or change the content of any syllabus or course outline. In most cases, we are consequently compelled to also update or change the contents of our study materials in order to remain current.
Where any material is purchased from us, either directly through our website or through any of our associates and the contents of such materials are subsequently updated, NO USER is entitled to a free upgrade or refund or exchange of the purchased material.
In some situations, which is absolutely at the discretion of iNTRACI, a subsidized upgrade may be made available for purchases made within SEVEN (7) DAYS of such syllabus updates, provided that full purchase price was made for such material and the purchase was not made on discount or as part of a promotional/marketing/loyalty reward.
By purchasing our study materials, you agree that iNTRACI reserves the right to update, modify, change any design or alter the structure or content our notes, practice exams, charts and every study material without any prior notice to any of its users.
If a user submits his/her comments, photos and other content to us (“User Content”) through our Site or App, our social media communities, survey responses, email or otherwise, the user thereby grants us an irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable licence to use, modify, publish, display and sub-license these User Content, in whole or in part, in any format and on any platform either now known or hereinafter invented, and to associate User Content with the user’s name and/or likeness.
Users are solely responsible for their User Content.
User represents and warrants that by submitting this content, s/he has the right to submit same to us and the right to grant us the license described above.
Users warrant that their User Content, and our use thereof, does not and will not infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual or proprietary or privacy right of any party or individual. In the event of any such claim or infringement, the User hereby expressly agrees to exclude iNTRACI from any such claim, and to indemnify iNTRACI or any of its agents, employees or contractors for any monetary or proprietary expenses incurred by iNTRACI in the course of establishing such exclusion.
All Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including the Sites and Apps, are owned by iNTRACI and its licensors.
Purchased products, programs, services and software are for the personal and non-commercial use of the purchaser only. By purchasing or subscribing to any of our products and services, all Users hereby expressly undertake not to distribute, copy, download, share, transmit, re-sell, reproduce, republish, modify, or in any way transfer such Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software without the prior written consent of iNTRACI having been obtained.
User may not enrol in or use any Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, for the benefit of any competitor of iNTRACI.
Our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, shall not be copied, shared, transmitted, re-sold, reproduced, re-published, modified, transferred or distributed whether for commercial or private use without our prior written permission.
All books, notes, summaries, pamphlets, handbooks, handbills, manuals, audio, text, sample questions and answers, practice exams, advice and consultations, guides, explanations, diagrams, images, animations and other content that a user receives or to which a user has access, regardless of medium or format, are protected by copyright law and belong to iNTRACI and its licensors only.
Users May not download, record, transmit, scan, screenshot, copy or reproduce products, programs, services and software in any way without prior authorization.
Users may not make any audio and/or video recording of any tutorial or consultation class or any part of our products, programs, services and software.
No user is allowed to attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, scrape or datamine any of our products, programs, services and software including any of their features and attributes.
Any trademark, service mark, design, or logo displayed in or on any of our products, programs, services and software are the registered and unregistered trademarks of iNTRACI, our licensors and Third Party Sellers and may not be used without our prior, written permission.
Third Party software, programs or materials are owned by such Third Parties and their respective licensors, and their uses are governed by the terms and conditions prescribed by such third parties.
Our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software may include digital access to content. Subject to your compliance with these terms and conditions, users are only entitled to a limited, personal, non-exclusive, revocable and non-transferable license to access such Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software during the access period or the lifetime of any purchased license.
Please take note that your access periods may be viewed and/or reviewed from the account management page of your online account.
Where any infringement of our copyright is detected in any way, iNTRACI reserves the right to revoke, cancel or suspend a user’s access or subscription to such Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, or to our website in part or in full.
When users set up an account on our site or App, s/he must choose a password.
When purchases are made, users may be assigned an access code to enable him/her access the content paid for.
Users are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their passwords and access codes and for any and all use of the account.
Users agree not to disclose their password or access code to any third party.
iNTRACI has the right to terminate an account for any reason at our sole discretion without notice to you.
When users provide us with an email address or telephone number, such as during purchase or subscription to any of our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, they agree that INTRACI may contact them about the Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, and about other programs and opportunities by email, telephone and/or text message utilizing automated technology at such email addresses or telephone number(s) or mobile devices.This is without prejudice to the user’s right to unsubscribe from such messages at any time by contacting us.
Some of the products and services on our Site or App may be owned or sold by third parties, partners, associates or affiliates.
iNTRACI is not liable or responsible for products and services purchased from these Third Party Sellers or for the acts or omissions of the Third Party Sellers.
Third Party Sellers are solely responsible for information on the Site(s) about their products and services listed on our site or App. iNTRACI makes no representation about Third Party listings or Third Party Products. We do not endorse or vouch for these Third Party Sellers or Third Party Products by virtue of their adverts or presence on our websites or Apps.
When you visit a Third Party Seller’s website or purchase or use Third Party Products you do so at your own risk.
iNTRACI’s Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by iNTRACI.
You may be able to link from our Site or App to third party websites and third party web sites may equally link to other Sites.
Users acknowledge and agree that iNTRACI has no responsibility for the content, products, services, advertising or other materials which may be provided by or through these other Sites, even if they are owned or run by affiliates of ours. Links to other Sites do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship by us.
Access to a large majority of our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including their features and attributes may require internet access, for which iNTRACI is not responsible.
The User will be responsible for meeting and maintaining the minimum technical requirements for his/her selected purchase in order to access certain features of our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including their features and attributes.
Our privacy policy may be found here.
Our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including their features and attributes, are provided on“AS IS” basis.
iNTRACI disclaims any and all express or implied warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy and non-infringement.
In no event shall iNTRACI be liable to you for any consequential, special, punitive or incidental damages, even if INTRACI has been informed of the possibility of such damages.
In no event will iNTRACI’s total liability to you exceed the amounts paid by you for our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including their features and attributes.
Purchases may be subject to taxes in many instances. Where applicable, you are responsible for paying all such taxes.
In the course of your purchase or subscription to any of our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software, including their features and attributes, iNTRACI or any of its affiliates may contact you for feedback related to our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software. You may be photographed or recorded, collectively or individually. You agree that iNTRACI may use such feedback or photographs for our purposes.
Tutorial, teaching and training activities or any of our other activities may occur in offices, hotels, schools and other facilities not controlled by iNTRACI.
By subscribing to any such tutorial, teaching and training activities, users agree to waive any claim against iNTRACI arising from the use of these third party facilities, including claims related to the safety and security of the third party facilities.
These T&C supersede all prior oral or written agreements and constitute the entire agreement between the parties. These T&C cannot be changed or modified orally.
If any provision of these T&C is found to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be construed by limiting it to make it enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law, and the remainder of the T&C shall continue in full force and effect.
Again, you agree to be bound by all these T&C, when you access our website or purchase or subscribe to any of our Notes, Study Materials, Products, Programs, Services and Software.
For further information or inquiries, please contact us here.