NCA Practice Exams

We have designed our practice exams just like the real NCA exam, in order to adequately prepare you for pass in your next exam. You can sign up free and see a free sample of how our NCA Practice Exams work if you click here.

The wonderful features of our NCA Practice Exams include the following:

  • private portal available only to you.
  • 2 affordable types of subscriptions, depending on your purse.
  • multiple versions of each practice exams so you can make your choice.
  • the exam contains fact-based and essay questions prepared by experienced tutors with inputs from associates who are law practitioners.
  • you can take the practice exams from anywhere in the world, at any time and get your results accordingly. 2 types of practice exams:

Full Practice Exams –

    1. up to 4 questions, including fact-based (IRAC) questions as well as essay-type questions to be answered by students on multiple topics as per the NCA syllabus.
    2. exam is timed for approximately 4 hours, just like the real NCA exam.
    3. at the end of 4 hours, or when student clicks submit, the exam is automatically submitted to our tutors who will then review your answers, grade the practice exam, and provide you with a score and a feedback.
    4. the feedback will contain the highlights of the expected answers and how you are expected to answer each question.
    5. the feedback will contain a breakdown analysis of how you were graded and scored.
    6. the feedback will also contain recommendations on what you need to do to improve your chances of success in the real exam, where necessary.
    7. you will be able to compare your answers vis-à-vis our feedback and use this as part of your study guide.
    8. the answers and reviews are available for you to read, download or print at any time of your convenience.
    9. subscription is $150 (CAD) for the full Practice Exam.
    10. subscribe or sign up for a free sample by clicking here now.

     Single Practice Questions:

      1. there is only 1 question which you may select on any topic of your choice.
      2. question may be fact-based or essay type.
      3. the exam is timed for approximately one hour.
      4. at the end of one hour, or when student clicks submit, the exam is automatically submitted to our tutors who will then review your answers, grade the practice exam, and provide you with a score and a feedback.
      5. the feedback will contain the highlights of the expected answers and how you are expected to answer each question.
      6. the feedback will contain a breakdown analysis of how you were graded and scored.
      7. the feedback will also contain recommendations on what you need to do to improve your chances of success in the real exam, where necessary.
      8. you will be able to compare your answers vis-à-vis our feedback and use this as part of your study guide.
      9. the answers and reviews are available for you to read, download or print at any time of your convenience.
      10. subscription is $50 (CAD) for the Single Practice Exam.
      11. subscribe or sign up for a free sample by clicking here now.

     Our NCA Practice Exam is unique, resourceful and very helpful. It is designed with the success of all NCA students in mind. Use this as part of your study guide and be guided on how to tackle the real NCA exams.

    Need more information? Please check our Frequently Asked Questions on this page.

    You may also contact us here for any additional information.
