Parliamentary Privilege at the Federal Level


Foundations of Canadian Law – Practice Question and Answer

Session: Functions of Parliament

Topic: Parliamentary Procedure and Law-Making

Sub- Topic: Parliamentary Privilege at the Federal Level (2)

Recommended time: 1 hour 45 Minutes (including reading time for question)

Score: 58 Marks

Author: Manuel Akinshola



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These sample questions and answers continue to lay emphasis on the importance attached to this topic under the NCA syllabus. Like we stated in the other sample Q&A, it is worthy for you to note that all the 3 required readings under this Chapter 6 revolve on the issue of parliamentary privilege, viz: Duffy v. Senate of Canada, Chagnon v. Syndicat de la Function Publique et Parapublique Du Quebec, Singh v. Attorney General of Quebec. So, this should be a pointer to you of the importance you should attach to that topic, of course, without neglecting the other topics under that chapter.


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