I’m glad to notify you that the upgrading of our website is now fully completed.
- we have made it easier for our users to be able to go to the section that is specific to their need. Basically, we have 3 sections: new applicants, NCA candidates, and Bar candidates. So, users can now go straight to that section that contains all the information, products and services that are relevant to them.
- For new applicants, you can easily make use of our eligibility portal to determine if you are eligible for NCA qualification. And then you are taught as to the requirements to ensure a successful application.
- For NCA candidates, it is now a lot easier for you to obtain all the materials that you need in one place. We have now compartmentalize all materials per subject. So, under each subject, it will be easier for you to see all available study materials, add them to wishlist or cart as you go along, and checkout at the same time. Easy navigation is the watchword. You can now also easily navigate to our online practice exam portals. Please note though that not all study materials for all the subjects are presently available. But we will keep updating our webpages as these materials become available.
- For bar candidates, we have created a special and content-specific website, dedicated only to bar exams and resources. It is www.barexamsupport.com; it is more resourceful, more engaging, more interactive and more functional. So, all bar candidates will henceforth be automatically redirected to this webpage. But, in the meantime, those who have pending subscriptions on intraci.com still have the opportunity to exhaust them.
In all, the objective of these new changes are easy navigation and usability. And we hope the end will ultimately justify the means.
Thanks for your continued patronage.
Manuel Akinshola