LSO Bar Practice Exams
Please be informed that we have now upgraded our Ontario Bar Practice Exams’ Questions to fully simulate the current LSO online exam format. We have updated the questions and the exam time. We have also included additional questions that cover topics including the Vavilov and Bell cases in Public Law; Equality, Inclusion and Diversity, and so on. Please read the full details of the update here.
Available are full Practice Exams for:
Barrister Licensing Exams
Solicitor Licensing Exams
- There are 2 different versions in either Barrister or Solicitor to buy from. Each Version consists of 160 different questions for each exam. (Please see the full features of our Bar Practice Exams software below). Each version costs $50 (CAD). You may decide to purchase one version for each exam or the two versions for each exam, as you prefer.
- Once purchased, your license code will be instantly added to your list of subscriptions on your portal, and becomes available for you to use for the practice exams immediately. Additional messages may be sent to your email address. Ensure you provide us with a valid email address.
- Please note that all licenses are valid only for a default period of six (6) months from the date of purchase.
- Within these six months, you are entitled to take the exams only 5 times. (Please note that the questions for each practice session will not repeat in the same numerical order). So, your license will expire after FIVE (5) practice sessions or after six months, whichever comes first.
Features of our LSO Bar Practice Exams
- The Exam consists of 2 major Parts:
– Barrister Licensing Examinations
– Solicitors Licensing Examinations - For each Part, there are 2 different versions, (Version 1.0 and Version 2.0) with a separate and completely different set of 160 questions. Of course, you can buy the 2 versions together or separately, as you like. Each version costs $50 (CAD). (The advantage of purchasing the 2 different versions for each exam is that it gives you plenty more questions to practice with, and thus enhances your chances of success by covering all topics in the courses.
- Users can purchase licenses for only the Barrister exams, or only the Solicitor exams, or both. And users can also purchase for either Version 1.0 or Version 2.0 or both. But if you are buying multiple exams, please select MULTIPLE SUBSCRIPTION from the side drop-down menu on your portal and you can select as many exams as you like to your order.
- Each segment is separate and different from the other. Therefore, users with multiple licenses can take any of the exams at any time and in any sequence of their choices.
- But each version contains a different set of 160 questions each.
- Each exam lasts for approximately only 4 hours, just like the real exam, so you can become familiar with time management.
- Each of our Ontario bar practice exams is graded on a PASS or FAIL basis. (50% is the pass mark for our practice exams. Please note though that, for the real exam, LSO has the discretion to fix the pass mark for each exam session according to its rules).
- At the end of each exam, the user gets the raw score of how many questions s/he passed out of the 160.
- The user can revise the particular exam session s/he has just taken. This means s/he can go over the session again to discover the questions s/he got wrong. This will display the wrong answers (in red) and the right answers (in green). This makes the software very ideal for review of your exam preparedness and as a study assistant.
- HURRAY!! Full prep questions on SOLICITORS LICENSING EXAMINATIONS and BARRISTERS LICENSING EXAMINATIONS and their subjects are now available.