Notes on Law of Torts – for NCA Exams
Welcome to our notes on Law of Torts.
This note covers ALL the topics in the current NCA syllabus. It’s been prepared section by section, topic by topic and sub-topic by sub-topic, just to ensure that the entire current syllabus is covered for your benefit.
All the relevant cases under each topic, and many more, have been reproduced in this note. And they are reported in such a way as to help you understand the topic to which they relate. It is not just abstract ratio or decision. The facts are briefly summarized while the important and relevant ratios in the judgment are included. This will brighten your understanding of the respective topics.
All the above notwithstanding, this note comes to you at a very affordable price of $50, the cheapest (but most valuable) you can find out there. just to assist NCA candidates.
You can see a Preview of the note before purchase if you click here.
Download the note today and you are on the road to success in your NCA exam.
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